We have a total of 16 sponsored students placed in five different secondary schools. They are holding pens, pencils, and calculators sent to Winona by safari visitor Meredith Hasken to share with the students. We gave some to our secondary students and the rest to the primary students.
Thanks to all who have helped these students. And for those who did not have a chance this round, we have 89 new Class 7 students this year, many of whom are so deserving and need help to continue their education.
Banjika Secondary School: L-R Paulina, Halima and Ancila, with Winona and her husband BobTumaini Secondary School: L-R, Karolina, Elibariki, and Eisha, with Winona and her husband Bob. Elibariki and Elisha desire to be heart doctorsAwet Secondary School: L-R: Sabina, Faraja, Restuta, and Prisca R, with Winona and her husband Bob.Florian Secondary School: L-R: Tajiely, Mery, Priska E. with headmaster John Issaara, Winona, and her husband BobEndallah Secondary School: L-R: Maria (former Tloma student), Adelaida (former Tloma student), Julius (a sponsored student), Emmanuel (a sponsored student), Wilson (Class 7 student), Melikiadi (a sponsored student), Jackson (Class 7 student), Eveta (former Tloma student), Fransisco (former Tloma student), Asha (former Tloma student), Sara (Class 7 student), with Winona and Mr. Sulle