Students with trees donated by GCF

Grand Circle Foundation Provides Trees for School

Tanzania loses millions of acres of trees due to deforestation and harvesting for firewood. There is now a big push to plant new trees.

Last year the school received some trees that are fast growing and legal to harvest for wood. This year the Grand Circle Foundation has donated trees for food. GCF has generously donated needed items to the school such as notebooks, pencils, and a variety of other things each year.

Planting a tree donated by GCFAmong the trees GCF provided were blackberry bushes, pawpaw, mango, apple, peach, passion fruit, lychee, pomegranate, lemon, and orange. The students are helping to plant the new trees. They will tend and water them as they grow. The students seem to enjoy being involved in the process. Anticipation is building for when the trees begin bearing fruit in two to five years.